Innovation: A Path to Personal Growth

Herman Melville said: “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation“. I totally agree. Let’s try. Let’s pursue innovation and originality. Most of time, our inner fears lie in failure… the fear to fail. In itself, fear is not that bad. It reminds us of dangers and the possibility of losses, and motivates us to think our actions carefully. But fear should be controlled. Fear should not paralyze us. I’ll try that idea in which I believe. I believe in myself, in my ideas, and thereby, I’ll pursue my goals, my projects. The process of trying is, already, our first reward. Let’s enjoy it.

At the core of innovation lies the courage to challenge the status quo, to question established norms, and to push the boundaries of what is deemed possible. It is a mindset that embraces experimentation, embraces risk-taking, and embraces the unknown, recognizing that true progress is often born out of stepping beyond the confines of familiarity. When individuals embrace innovation in their lives, they open themselves up to a world of endless possibilities, where creativity flourishes and new horizons beckon.

One of the greatest obstacles to innovation is the fear of failure. Our inner fears often manifest as doubts and hesitations, whispering cautionary tales of potential setbacks and disappointments. However, it is essential to understand that failure is not the end but rather a stepping stone on the path to success. Embracing failure as a natural part of the innovation process allows individuals to learn, adapt, and grow, gaining valuable insights that pave the way for future breakthroughs.

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A Simple Guide to Completing Your Academic Degree

Achieving an academic degree is a significant milestone that opens doors to a world of opportunities and personal growth. The journey towards completing a degree is filled with challenges, triumphs, and valuable lessons that shape your academic and professional future. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of attaining a university degree, strategies to overcome challenges, staying motivated, learning to learn effectively, writing a thesis or pursuing an internship, prioritizing relaxation and well-being, and embracing the transformative experience of university studies.

A Simple Guide to Completing Your Academic Degree

Importance of Achieving an Academic Degree
Earning an academic degree is a transformative experience that equips you with knowledge, skills, and credentials essential for career advancement and personal development. A degree not only enhances your job prospects and earning potential but also fosters critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and lifelong learning habits. By completing a university degree, you demonstrate dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence, setting a solid foundation for future success in your chosen field.

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What is Mindful Breathing?

In my previous post, The Transformative Power of Meditation, I touched upon Mindful breathing (also referred to as Conscious breathing). Mindful breathing is a simple yet powerful practice that can have a profound impact on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and distractions are prevalent, incorporating mindful breathing into your daily routine can help you find peace, clarity, and presence. Let’s explore the art of mindful breathing, its techniques, and the myriad benefits it offers for overall health and wellness.

What is Mindful Breathing

What is Mindful Breathing?
Mindful breathing, also known as deep breathing or diaphragmatic breathing, is a mindfulness practice that involves focusing on your breath to cultivate awareness, relaxation, and inner peace. By paying attention to the sensations of each inhale and exhale, you can anchor yourself in the present moment, quiet the mind, and reduce stress and anxiety. Mindful breathing is a fundamental aspect of mindfulness meditation and can be practiced anywhere, anytime.

Benefits of Mindful Breathing
The benefits of mindful breathing are numerous and far-reaching. By incorporating mindful breathing into your daily routine, you can reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, improve focus and concentration, enhance emotional regulation, and promote relaxation and calmness. Mindful breathing can also boost energy levels, increase self-awareness, and foster a sense of inner peace and well-being.

Techniques for Mindful Breathing

  1. Deep Belly Breathing: Find a comfortable seated or lying position, place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your abdomen rise as you fill your lungs with air. Exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your abdomen fall. Repeat this deep belly breathing for several breaths to promote relaxation and stress relief.
  2. Counting Breaths: Focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale, counting each breath cycle from one to five. Concentrate on the rhythm of your breathing and the sensation of air entering and leaving your body. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath and continue counting. This technique can help improve focus and mindfulness.
  3. Box Breathing: Box breathing is a technique that involves inhaling, holding the breath, exhaling, and holding the breath again, each for a count of four. Visualize tracing a square or box shape as you breathe, inhaling for four counts, holding for four counts, exhaling for four counts, and holding again for four counts. Repeat this box breathing pattern for several cycles to calm the mind and body.
  4. Alternate Nostril Breathing: Sit comfortably with a straight spine, using your right thumb to close your right nostril and your ring finger to close your left nostril. Inhale through your left nostril, then close it with your ring finger and exhale through your right nostril. Inhale through your right nostril, close it, and exhale through your left nostril. Continue alternating nostrils for several breaths to balance energy and enhance focus.
  5. Sama Vritti (Equal Breathing): Sama vritti is a technique that involves inhaling and exhaling for an equal count, such as inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of four. Focus on creating a smooth and steady rhythm with your breath, maintaining a consistent pace throughout the practice. Sama vritti breathing can promote relaxation, balance, and harmony within the body and mind.
  6. Ocean Breath (Ujjayi Breathing): Ujjayi breathing is a technique that involves creating a soft whispering sound in the back of your throat as you breathe. Inhale deeply through your nose, slightly constricting the muscles at the back of your throat to create the sound of ocean waves. Exhale slowly through your nose, maintaining the gentle constriction. Ujjayi breathing can help calm the mind, regulate emotions, and deepen your meditation practice.
  7. 4-7-8 Breathing: The 4-7-8 breathing technique involves inhaling for a count of four, holding the breath for a count of seven, and exhaling for a count of eight. Start by exhaling completely, then inhale quietly through your nose for four counts, hold your breath for seven counts, and exhale audibly through your mouth for eight counts. Repeat this 4-7-8 breathing pattern for several cycles to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  8. Visualization Breathing: Combine mindful breathing with visualization by imagining a peaceful scene or symbol as you inhale and exhale. Picture yourself in a serene natural setting, such as a beach, forest, or mountain, and breathe in the tranquility and beauty of the surroundings. As you exhale, release any tension or negative thoughts, letting go of stress and worries. Visualization breathing can enhance relaxation, focus, and creativity.
  9. Progressive Relaxation Breathing: Progressive relaxation breathing involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in coordination with your breath. Start by inhaling deeply and tensing a specific muscle group, such as your shoulders or fists. Hold the tension for a few seconds, then exhale and release the tension, allowing the muscles to relax completely. Continue this progressive relaxation technique with different muscle groups to reduce physical tension and promote relaxation.
  10. Mindful Breathing Meditation: Set aside dedicated time for a mindful breathing meditation practice, finding a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and observe the sensations of each inhale and exhale. Allow your breath to be your anchor to the present moment, letting go of distractions and thoughts. Practice mindful breathing meditation for several minutes to cultivate mindfulness and inner peace.
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The Transformative Power of Meditation

Meditation is a practice that has been around for centuries, offering a myriad of benefits for the mind, body, and soul. In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and distractions are prevalent, incorporating meditation into your daily routine can be a game-changer. Let’s delve into the world of meditation, exploring its various aspects and the profound impact it can have on your overall well-being.

What is Meditation?
Meditation is a technique that involves focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of mental clarity and emotional calmness. It is a practice that encourages mindfulness and self-awareness, helping individuals cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquility amidst the chaos of daily life.

The Transformative Power of Meditation

Importance of Meditation for Health
The health benefits of meditation are numerous and well-documented. Regular meditation practice has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and improve overall physical health. By calming the mind and relaxing the body, meditation can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

Importance of Meditation for Productivity
Meditation is not just beneficial for physical health but also plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity and focus. By training the mind to be present and attentive, meditation can improve cognitive function, concentration, and decision-making skills. Incorporating short meditation sessions into your workday can help you stay energized and efficient.

Importance of Meditation for Relaxing and Lowering Stress
One of the primary reasons people turn to meditation is to find relaxation and reduce stress. The practice of meditation activates the body’s relaxation response, releasing tension and promoting a sense of calmness. By focusing on the present moment and letting go of worries, meditation can help you unwind and recharge your mind and body.

How to Meditate
Meditation is a simple yet powerful practice that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine. To begin, find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on your breath or a specific mantra. Allow your thoughts to come and go without judgment, returning your attention to the present moment whenever distractions arise.

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Individualism, Attempts At Philosophying

When men are born, their habitat is already defined. Eventually, they will adapt to it, i.e., they acquire the required consistency that will help them to overcome the obstacles that life has. This way, mankind achieves such intrinsic nature that defines a concrete existence in time and space, further arriving to a propensity to act according to its own discretion, and not in concert with the community, becoming isolated and selfish in affections, interests, studies, and other dimensions. Finally, men become full of themselves, forfeiting any other purposes.

Individualism, Attempts At Philosophying

Thus, since the VIII century, individualism constituted a topic of controversy. Several centuries later, St. Thomas Aquinas says that the principle of individualization is, in sensible things, “matter”, while for Duns Scotus it’s only a philosophical form that he calls haecceitas, i.e., this, here, and that reduce to the ultimate essential reality of each individual, i.e., particularly distinguishable from one class, collection or series, indivisible, impossible to separate in parts without altering its character, without stopping being a mere being. Therefore, at least, the individual contains two principles: its nature and its individual entity, elements that exist only by a formal distinction, not by factual reality.

The individual is a real being, unlike its species, which is ideal. The problem that creates this concept derives from the relationship essence-existence, an understanding of the nature of the singular, and so further. With this value, the problem of individualism comprises the fields of sociology, psychology, and politics, invading existentialism.

Self-centered people creates a harmful environment, which typically leads to irreversible damage. Because society has been imbued with these people’s actions, it has been steadily adapting to such individualistic behavior, which in turn leads to societies being directed by monopolies and messianic pseudo-leaders. Often, development of such societies depends on unilateral theories, normally based on confrontation, created by the diversity of characters and conceptualizations.

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Visualizing your Goals

A goal is a very specific result that we want to achieve in a precise, future time. It’s an experience not yet lived, although firmly wished. Let’s recall from our first post about goals, that an objective or goal is a personal or perhaps organizational desired end point in development. It is usually endeavored to be reached in finite time by setting deadlines. Albeit goals, dreams and expectations are related concepts, there are important differences that will be discussed further on. As it often occurs with dreams, there are virtually no limits on the number of goals we may set, since goals represent, in essence, states or things that we wish to achieve in the future. Unlike dreams, though, goals require that we define them precisely, and we have to work for them in the present time, right now. Thereby, goals are nearer, within reach.

visualizing goals

Goals and Expectations

We should not confuse goals and expectations. Goals are the concrete and positive result of a fulfilled wish, and they provide satisfaction and success. On its side, expectations are focused on the behavior that we expect from other people. Setting a goal also means directing all our efforts towards achieving the goal, combining several tasks in order to attain it. However, to have an expectation reduces to delegating our wishes to the lucky concurrence of external factors.

Therefore, setting goals helps us to empower strategies, to create effectivity and to dominate the process of achieving whatever thing we wish. Besides, our goals create new opportunities, and improve our capacity for overcoming obstacles and conquering unexpected hurdles. As we move forward and reach the little goals that we had set, we also have the feeling of walking our paths faster, with a boosted self-confidence and a diminishing desire to return to the past. By the way, when we feel little or no desire to return to the past, we can be sure that we have improved as human beings.

Goals and Dreams

As aforesaid, a difference between goals and dreams lies in the time required for reaching them. Goals are closer. Besides, motivation also establishes a notorious difference between goals and dreams. We have more immediate and realistic motivations for reaching goals. On the contrary, dreams’ motivation is typically diffuse, sometimes very unclear.

However, dreams are the ultimate fuel of life, no matter how fuzzy they may be. As life moves on, we will feel the dream, approach the dream, dream the dream… we will be continuously reshaping the dream. Dreams are, after all, made of a very malleable matter. In life, we walk towards the sun, and our sun is composed of just dreams. Every step toward such sun kills a doubt. And each of such steps is a goal.

Organizing our Goals

We have to prepare a few lists for visualizing our goals and, in general, our action and thinking paths. When we write down our goals in a list, we are defining and outlining a plan to reach the goals. We are committing ourselves to fulfilling them based on practical aspects. On the contrary, the list of dreams contains relatively remote possibilities, excepting perhaps the first or second dream. In order to reach the first dream of the list, we have to conquer a chain of goals. In short, goals are the intermediate steps required for achieving the ultimate objective of your life.

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On Credit Card Points

After the season of parties, when you might find yourself feeling financially depleted and despondent, there is a tantalizing prospect that awaits – the opportunity to earn free international travel and indulge in luxurious hotel stays. This alluring possibility is made possible through credit card points, which can be exchanged for a range of travel perks and enticing goodies. As January brings forth attractive deals, you might be enticed to apply for a credit card that offers such rewards.

However, let’s consider the reality. I like credit cards, but credit card rewards may not be worth it for most individuals, unless they possess certain qualities:

  • Firstly, financial stability is crucial. If you are wealthy and have a firm grasp on your finances, the potential payback from these rewards could be more significant.
  • Secondly, self-discipline plays a vital role. It’s essential to have the discipline to manage credit card spending wisely, ensuring that you don’t fall into the trap of accumulating debt.
  • Lastly, being attentive to your financial situation is imperative. Keeping a close eye on your expenses, payments, and rewards redemption options will enable you to maximize the benefits.
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Colors of Life

After publishing my friend’s message and commenting on her intentions to take a vacations trip, I somehow wished to take a little vacation too. As I have no ties to prevent it, I adhered to my wish. I took a few days trip, totally disconnected from the Internet and the current rush of technology. Over there, I met up with a longtime friend and her family… It had been ages since I saw them last, so it was good to finally catch up, and we all had a good time and a lot of stories to tell. Thank God, they’re OK, in general. All of her kids have grown up nicely, already graduated, and have married. Except for the eldest daughter, who has a health problem. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with diabetes, and that fact did lead to many drastic changes in her lifestyle. Of course, now she follows healthier food and exercise habits, which is totally recommendable (and mandatory!). However, there are some changes which are too excessive and harmful, in my opinion. Despite her disease is medically controlled, and shes does not feel any physical problem (on the contrary, she externally reveals a spectacular health condition), her courage and joy have fallen considerably. She used to be a playful and lively girl, but now she decided to give up parties, to go shopping with her friends, love… and everything joyful, simply because she is afraid of suffering a sudden, unexpected diabetic complication or coma, amidst the happiness of the reunion. She would become a disturbance… others would see her weak and in panic, prey to fear. And she does not want to go through that. She is concerned about what might happen, and what her friends could say. In a sense, she fears rejection.

Colors of Life
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Happy Holidays and a Joyous 2024!

As we bid farewell to another year and embrace the enchanting holiday season, I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to all of you, my incredible readers. You have been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement, and for that, I am truly grateful.

You can't stop the journey Christmas 2024

During this festive time, let us cherish the moments of togetherness and reflect on the lessons we’ve learned throughout the year. Remember, every challenge we faced has only made us stronger, and every setback has presented an opportunity for growth. As we embark on a new year, let us carry forward the lessons of resilience and determination, knowing that we have the power to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

May this holiday season fill your hearts with love, joy, and gratitude. Surround yourselves with the warmth of family and friends, and let the spirit of generosity guide your actions. Remember to take a moment to rest, rejuvenate, read inspiring stories, and appreciate the beauty of the present moment. As we step into the new year, let us set our intentions high and believe in our ability to achieve greatness.

Embrace the opportunities that come your way, and never forget that you have the power to create the life you desire. Together, let us make 2024 a year filled with growth, success, and endless possibilities. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all a holiday season filled with love, laughter, and happiness.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey, and I look forward to continuing to support and inspire each other in the coming year.

A Reader’s Happiness

Yesterday, a reader from Miami, USA, sent me a very positive and lovely feedback about my article Looking for True Happiness. She loved the succinct discussion involving economy’s views, a theme she feels is often neglected from essays on happiness. Thanks. I’d like to share with the other readers of You can’t stop the journey a very personal approach to happiness, courtesy of Mrs. Paula Marcenaro. In her email, she refers that life was really harsh for her after her parents’ death, when she was 14… that was some years ago, as she is now a shining and exquisite 60+ woman 😉 She had to work very hard in order to achieve her teaching degree and to bring up her six daughters. But now, she is very, very happy. All of her six girls are professionals, holders of high academic degrees. Nevertheless, she always kept her self-confidence. Self-confidence and an unbreakable faith in a better tomorrow allowed her to improve and achieve her goals. Self-confidence allowed her to endure others’ unkind critics, envy, and general problems.

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