Understanding Hyper-Empathy Syndrome

Hyper-empathy syndrome, often referred to as heightened empathy, is a condition characterized by an overwhelming ability to feel and understand the emotions of others. While empathy is a valuable trait that fosters connection and understanding, individuals with hyper-empathy experience these feelings to an extreme degree, often leading to both positive and negative consequences in their lives. Hyper-empathy is the double-edged sword of sensitivity. This blog post touches upon into the nuances of hyper-empathy, exploring its advantages, disadvantages, and the broader implications for those who experience it.

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7 key aspects to produce high-quality content

If your work is related to or focused on production of content-rich material, such as articles, books, movies, web sites, educative software applications, and so on, please pay special attention to the following key aspects to guarantee the high quality of your deliverable:

  1. Fragmentation: Fragmentation is a current problem in knowledge. It occurs because knowledge is separated in isolated parts, sometimes with very strict boundaries, and the audience of your work might end up grasping only little parts of the knowledge base embedded in your work, missing the crucial interconnections between concepts and ideas, and also missing the interdisciplinary content. Fragmentation in knowledge can significantly hinder the effectiveness of content delivery. For instance, consider a blog post about climate change that discusses only the scientific data without incorporating social, economic, or political perspectives. Readers might grasp the statistics but miss critical insights on how climate change affects vulnerable communities or the policies needed for mitigation. By connecting these disparate threads, you not only enrich the content but also foster a holistic understanding, encouraging readers to engage more deeply with the material. This interconnected approach can spark curiosity and motivate them to explore further, leading to a more informed and active audience. To combat fragmentation, it’s essential to present knowledge in a cohesive manner that highlights relationships between concepts. Utilize techniques such as storytelling, analogies, or visual aids that clarify complex ideas and demonstrate their relevance to everyday life. For example, a piece on technology’s impact on education could weave in personal narratives from teachers and students, illustrating how tools like online platforms enhance learning experiences. By creating a narrative that bridges various disciplines (like psychology, sociology, and technology) you not only make the content more relatable but also empower your audience to see the bigger picture, thereby nurturing their intrinsic motivation to learn and explore further. Sometimes, your audience might not receive your message at all. Your aim should raising your audience self-motivation (rather than being externally motivated.) Self-motivation is at the core of creativity, responsability, and lasting and true change. Your audience must have a genuine interest for your work and the knowledge it includes. For achieving this, structure your work properly: guide your audience through a well-defined structure, which integrates your audience with the reality, starting from the most basic concepts, notions and ideas, and gradually rising the level of interconnection among them.
  2. Communicational Approach: This comprises aspects such as the pedagogical philosophy of your production, your reader or user’s motivation, and the employment of graphics or multimedia resources according with the pedagogical philosophy and the topics developed. The question you should answer here is: Are you using the best approach and resources for communicating your ideas? The communicational approach plays a pivotal role in how effectively your ideas resonate with your audience. For instance, if your content targets a younger demographic, incorporating interactive multimedia elements (like quizzes, polls, or short videos) can enhance engagement and cater to their learning preferences. This strategy aligns with active learning principles, encouraging readers to not just consume information but actively participate in the learning process. A blog post about mental health awareness could benefit from infographics that illustrate statistics and personal stories, making the topic more relatable and memorable. By considering the pedagogical philosophy behind your content, you can tailor your approach to foster genuine connections with your audience. Moreover, understanding your readers’ motivations can further refine your communicational strategy. For example, if your audience is primarily driven by a desire to improve their professional skills, providing practical tips, case studies, and real-world applications will resonate more effectively than theoretical discussions. Additionally, leveraging varied resources, such as podcasts for auditory learners or downloadable templates for kinesthetic learners, can cater to diverse preferences. When crafting a piece on productivity hacks, including short audio clips of expert interviews or downloadable worksheets can significantly enhance the reader’s experience. A well-thought-out communicational approach not only delivers information but also inspires action, making your content more impactful and memorable.
  3. Language, Grammar and Style: This aspect covers all the things related to grammar, ortography, definitions, localization and format. Language, Grammar, and Style are foundational elements that can make or break the quality of your content. Proper grammar and spelling not only reflect professionalism but also enhance clarity, allowing your audience to engage with your message without distractions. A well-edited article that uses correct terminology and punctuation will come across as credible and trustworthy, while a piece riddled with errors may lead readers to question the validity of the information presented. Furthermore, consistent formatting, such as uniform headings, bullet points, and font choices, helps guide readers through the content, making it easier for them to digest complex ideas. Localization is another crucial component that can significantly impact the effectiveness of your communication. Tailoring your language to fit the cultural context and preferences of your target audience can enhance relatability and comprehension. Using regional idioms or expressions can foster a sense of connection, while avoiding jargon or overly technical language ensures accessibility. If you’re writing about technology for a global audience, consider providing glossary sections or explanations for terms that may not be universally understood. Paying close attention to language, grammar, and style not only elevates the quality of your content but also ensures that your message resonates with and is accessible to your intended readers.
  4. Aesthetics: It includes all the details related with the application’s aesthetics, the way content is organized and displayed, and the user interface (if any.) Nowadays, aesthetics of content -rich productions is very, very important. Aesthetics play a crucial role in how content is perceived and consumed by users. A visually appealing design not only captures attention but also enhances the overall user experience. For example, an educational app that presents information through a clean layout, harmonious color schemes, and engaging visuals can significantly improve user retention and interaction. Consider an online learning platform that uses bright, inviting colors along with intuitive navigation; this setup helps users feel more comfortable and motivated to explore various courses. Conversely, cluttered designs or poor visual choices can easily overwhelm users, leading them to disengage and seek out more aesthetically pleasing alternatives. Moreover, the organization and display of content directly influence how effectively information is communicated. Using consistent headings, subheadings, and visual hierarchies helps guide users through the material, making it easier for them to locate and understand key points. Prioritizing aesthetics not only makes your content more inviting but also enhances usability, ensuring that your audience can easily navigate and absorb the information presented.
  5. Evaluation: It refers to the mechanisms employed by you and your reviewers in order to verify the results. Your work doesn’t end when you submit or publish your material. On the contrary, posterior reviewing and evaluation of your work is an important step, a needed feedback for corrections, improvements and future work. Evaluation is a critical aspect of any creative endeavor, as it ensures that the quality of the work meets established standards and effectively communicates the intended message. This process involves systematic review mechanisms, where both the creator and external reviewers assess various elements of the content, including accuracy, coherence, and relevance. Engaging in thorough evaluations allows for identifying areas that may require clarification or enhancement, thereby reinforcing the credibility and effectiveness of the final product. It’s essential to view feedback as a constructive tool rather than a critique, fostering an environment where continuous improvement is prioritized. Evaluation serves as a foundation for future projects and iterations. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of previous work, creators can make informed decisions about their approach in subsequent endeavors. This iterative process not only promotes growth and development but also helps in refining skills and understanding audience preferences. Additionally, establishing a culture of feedback among peers and stakeholders can lead to collaborative learning experiences, enriching the overall quality of the work produced. Ongoing evaluation is not merely a final step: it’s an integral part of the creative lifecycle that drives innovation and excellence.
  6. Internal Aspects: It comprises all the functions invisible for the user, related to security, legal issues, data backup, fault-tolerance, among other internal aspects. Internal aspects are the backbone of any application or content creation process, ensuring that everything functions smoothly behind the scenes. Security, for instance, is paramount in protecting user data and maintaining trust. This involves implementing robust encryption methods, secure authentication protocols, and regular security audits to safeguard against potential breaches. Legal considerations also play a significant role, as compliance with regulations such as GDPR or copyright laws is essential to avoid penalties and foster responsible content sharing. These internal mechanisms, while often invisible to users, are critical in shaping their overall experience and confidence in the platform. In addition to security and legal issues, other internal aspects such as data backup and fault tolerance are vital for maintaining operational integrity. Regular data backups ensure that valuable content is preserved and can be restored in case of unforeseen events, such as system failures or data corruption. Fault tolerance mechanisms, on the other hand, are designed to keep the application running smoothly even in the face of errors or crashes. This includes redundant systems and failover strategies that allow for seamless transitions should a problem arise.
  7. Content: Last, but not least, the content. It’s related to the information presented by your work, and also the goals of the project. Focus on relevant content, be careful of too verbose layouts, and use pertinent, state-of-the-art knowledge references. Content is the heart of any project, serving as the primary medium through which ideas, information, and narratives are conveyed. It’s essential to ensure that the content aligns with the overall goals of the project while resonating with the target audience. Striking the right balance between informative and engaging material is crucial: content should be relevant and purposeful, avoiding unnecessary verbosity that can dilute the message. A clear focus on the subject matter not only enhances readability but also encourages the audience to connect with the material on a deeper level. To produce high-quality content, it’s important to prioritize clarity and conciseness. Start by outlining the key messages or objectives you want to communicate, ensuring each section serves a specific purpose related to those goals. Additionally, adopting a tone that suits the audience (whether formal, conversational, or technical) can enhance engagement and understanding. It’s also beneficial to incorporate state-of-the-art knowledge references, ensuring that your content is grounded in credible research and contemporary insights, which can bolster its authority and relevance. Furthermore, the iterative nature of content creation should not be overlooked. Regularly reviewing and updating content in response to new information or shifting audience needs can significantly enhance its value. Seeking feedback from peers or industry experts can provide invaluable perspectives, allowing you to refine your work further.

Keeping an eye on these aspects will allow your work to be more solid and safe from fragmentation.

Learning to Believe

If we believe that we are able to do something, we’ll do it. If we believe we cannot do something, we won’t do it. The fact of believing or not influences our results, regardless of the area: sportive, economic, professional, personal, etc. If we repeat an assert a lot of times, we will ultimately believe it, and by carrying it out, we are able to modify our behavior. In other words, we reprogram ourselves. Words believe and belief take a central role and a special interest in regards to our capacity for success. In every case, we must research, recur to introspection and identify which beliefs are limiting us and preventing us from acting the way we’d like to. Beliefs are born and consolidate to produce, afterwards, positive or negative effects. Such beliefs influence our decisions. In fact, a belief is a deeply-rooted conviction.

We should differentiate clearly between beliefs and ideas. An idea is the mental image, devoid of action, which subsequently creates the belief. The belief, in turn, is a deeply-rooted conviction which influences our behavior and is present in our decision-making process. Beliefs stem from ideas, bearing positive or negative nuances. An idea can turn into a positive belief which will help us to personal growth and self-improvement. Our problems start when ideas are limiting, creating limiting beliefs, and dangerously constraining our behavior.

Furthermore, beliefs are affected by a series of events which surround an individual and influence his ideas. These events are: cultural background, job, opinions, accumulated experience, and the circle of influence. On each of these events a person develops her own ideas which will ultimately be reflected on the beliefs she embraces.

The constant search of negative references and the mental repetition of limiting phrases such as “I’ll never make it” lead us to unconsciously adopting negative behaviors. In this context, we are subjugated by the negative suggestions that we repeat to ourselves incessantly. The only way to break free from this constraining spiral is to be aware of our power to change negative approaches. Change has to start right now.

That’s why it’s so important to have and to form positive ideas, in order to let them to turn into deep, automatic positive beliefs. In this way these positive beliefs will influence our behavior, and will lead us to a successful life, full of victories. Hence, the first sentence of this post: If we believe that we are able to do something, we’ll do it. If we believe we cannot do something, we won’t do it.


  • Repeat 5 times: “I am a positive person, I can achieve my goals and I…” (complete the phrase)
  • Identify a negative idea you have. Think about how you could turn it into a positive idea.
  • Meditate about your main goals right now. Are they realistic, are they attainable?
  • Do you fear failure? Meditate about this: Fearing failure is natural. Everyone fails. The problem is not failure, the problem is to halt after failing. Winners, leaders keep trying, and that’s why they’re are successful and different.

Short-term Goals to Enhance your Leadership

As a leader, honing your skills and continually striving for improvement is essential. Previously I explained the 7 Attributes of Leadership. Now here are some practical suggestions and short-term goals you can set to enhance your leadership traits:

  1. Effective Communication: Practice active listening, ask for feedback, and clearly articulate your vision and expectations. Remember that, in essence, effective communication for a leader encompasses the ability to convey messages clearly and unambiguously, actively listen to others, show empathy towards team members’ perspectives, align non-verbal cues with verbal messages to convey sincerity and confidence (this is very important and oftenly overlooked), offer and receive feedback constructively, adapt communication styles to suit different audiences, maintain transparency to build trust and credibility, ensure consistency in messages to avoid confusion, encourage dialogue for open communication and idea sharing, resolve conflicts calmly and constructively, and create a positive work environment that fosters collaboration and productivity through honest, open, and respectful communication practices (you may want to set a goal to hold regular check-ins with your team to foster open communication).
  2. Lead by Example: In short: be a role model for your team by demonstrating the behavior and work ethic you expect from them. Leading by example means showing others how to act and behave by doing those things yourself. Leaders who lead by example are like superheroes who always do the right thing first, so others can see and follow them. Leaders will set a good path for others to follow by doing good things themselves. Thereby make a goal to showcase your values through your actions every day.
  3. Embrace Diversity: Encourage diverse perspectives within your team by actively seeking out input from different team members. This means welcoming and appreciating people from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. It’s like having a big box of crayons with many colors, and each color is unique and special. Leaders who embrace diversity understand that everyone brings something different and valuable to the team, just like how each color makes a beautiful picture. They listen to different ideas, respect everyone’s differences, and make sure that everyone feels included and heard. By embracing diversity, leaders create a team where everyone feels accepted, respected, and valued for who they are, making the group stronger and more successful together. In essence, a great leader will create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued.
  4. Develop Emotional Intelligence: Work on understanding your emotions and those of others, and learn to handle conflicts with emotional intelligence. Developing emotional intelligence involves understanding and managing your own emotions as well as being aware of and empathetic towards others’ emotions. One way to work on this is by practicing active listening, where you focus on what someone is saying without interrupting and try to understand their feelings. For example, when a friend is sad, you can listen to them and offer support without judging. Another way is to reflect on your own emotions and reactions to different situations. For instance, when you feel angry, take a moment to think about why you’re feeling that way and how you can respond calmly. By being mindful of both your own emotions and those of others, you can improve your emotional intelligence over time.
  5. Delegate Responsibilities: Trust your team members with tasks and empower them to make decisions. You should delegate more effectively by matching tasks to team members’ strengths: effective delegation as a leader involves assigning tasks to team members based on their strengths, skills, and interests while providing clear guidelines and expectations. For example, if you have a team member who excels at graphic design, you could delegate a project requiring those skills to them. Communication is key – clearly outline the task, deadlines, and desired outcome. Check in periodically to offer support and guidance but also allow autonomy and trust in your team’s abilities. By delegating responsibilities effectively, you empower team members, increase productivity, and foster a sense of ownership and accountability within the team.
  6. Continuous Learning: Commit to lifelong learning and stay updated on industry trends and developments. Attend leadership workshops, read leadership books, or take online courses. For a leader, continuous learning involves seeking knowledge and insights from various sources to enhance their skills and decision-making abilities. Studying classics like “The Art of War” allows leaders to gain timeless wisdom and strategic thinking applicable to modern-day challenges. By delving into such seminal works, leaders can extract valuable lessons on leadership, conflict resolution, and decision-making that can be adapted and applied in their own roles. For example, Sun Tzu’s principles in “The Art of War” can offer insights on strategic planning, understanding competition, and the importance of adaptability in leadership scenarios. Wisdom is your goal.
  7. Build Relationships: Invest time in building strong relationships with your team members. You might need to schedule one-on-one meetings to get to know each team member better. It’s also very important to build a powerful network of contacts.
  8. Encourage Innovation: Support creativity and innovation within your team by creating a safe space for sharing new ideas and experimenting with different approaches. As a leader, you can boost innovation in your organization by creating a culture that values creativity, experimentation, and collaboration. Encourage open communication channels where ideas are welcomed and employees feel empowered to share their thoughts. Provide resources and support for innovation initiatives, such as dedicated time for research and development projects, training programs, and access to technology. Inspire your team to think outside the box and drive innovation across the organization.
  9. Provide Recognition: Acknowledge and appreciate your team’s hard work and achievements. Learn to give specific, timely feedback and recognize individual and team accomplishments. Specially, and related to the previous goal, recognize and reward innovative thinking to motivate employees and reinforce a culture of continuous improvement.
  10. Time Management: Improve your time management skills to prioritize tasks effectively and avoid burnout. Set a goal to create a daily schedule that allows time for strategic planning and personal development.
  11. Conflict Resolution: Develop strategies for resolving conflicts within your team. As a leader, developing effective conflict resolution strategies involves several key steps. First, create an open and supportive environment: cultivate open communication within your team to encourage members to express concerns and issues freely. Then listen actively to all parties involved in the conflict to understand their perspectives and feelings. At this point, you’ll have to identify the root cause of the problem: get to the core of the conflict by understanding the underlying issues causing tension or disagreements. An effective approach to solve organizational conflicts is encouraging collaboration, allowing team members to work together to find a mutually agreeable solution. Facilitate discussions and brainstorming sessions to resolve conflicts. A truly great leader acts as a mediator to help guide the resolution process. Encourage team members to focus on problem-solving rather than blame. It’s also important to set clear expectations: clearly outline team goals, roles, and responsibilities to prevent future conflicts arising from misunderstandings. Finally, check in with team members after the conflict has been resolved to ensure that the solution is working effectively. Provide support and guidance if needed.
  12. Lead with Integrity: Uphold ethical standards and be transparent in your decision-making. Consistently act with honesty and integrity, even in challenging situations, in order to build trust. Demonstrating honesty and integrity fosters trust among team members and stakeholders. Trust is essential for effective communication, collaboration, and overall team performance. It also sets a positive example, as leaders serve as role models for their teams. By upholding ethical values even in difficult times, you’ll inspire others to follow suit and maintain high standards of behavior. Acting with honesty and integrity will also enhance your credibility. It ensures that your decisions and actions are respected and trusted by others, even in challenging or uncertain circumstances. Besides, being honest and acting with integrity promotes transparency and truth within the organization. This helps in building a culture of openness and accountability, which leads to better problem-solving and decision-making. Don’t forget that a consistent adherence to ethical principles builds a foundation for long-term success. It helps in creating a positive work environment, retaining top talent, and fostering a strong organizational reputation. Remember, reputation is key and once it’s lost it’s hard or impossible to regain.
  13. Seek Mentorship: Find a mentor who can provide guidance and support in your leadership journey. Seek advice from experienced leaders and learn from their insights. This is related to the sixth goal, Continuous Learning.
  14. Flexibility and Adaptability: Be open to change and ready to adapt to new circumstances. Embrace uncertainty and lead your team through transitions with resilience. Randomness is a fact of an organization’s life. Navigating uncertainty in organizational decision-making involves gathering pertinent information, employing scenario planning to prepare for various outcomes, conducting risk assessments, embracing flexibility to adapt swiftly, engaging stakeholders for diverse perspectives, developing a resilient culture, and emphasizing continuous learning to refine strategies.
  15. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care to maintain your well-being and lead effectively. Practice mindfulness, exercise regularly, and take breaks to recharge.

Finally, as a bonus, learn to visualize goals.

Breathing for Stress Relief

As psychological stress in our lives keeps growing, breathing in our activities is becomes increasingly shorter and faster, that is, we tend to inhale less oxygen as we exhale more. This causes our body to become quickly tired because of low blood flow due to the small amount of oxygen and the high levels of carbon dioxide. In turn, the physical fatigue stresses the muscles that support the spine and the weight of our body, generating unnatural pressure on the lungs and other internal organs. For its part, the brain, not receiving adequate amounts of oxygen, begins to reduce performance, and this causes drowsiness among other problems. Further, the diaphragm, when not working properly, makes little effort and loses tone, thus contributing to the reduction of lung capacity.

That is why it’s very important to learn to breathe properly, with simple exercises and frequent practice. Before going on, I recommend to review my previous post on mindful breathing. Now I’ll present here a simple routine for stress relief through breathing. Remember that breathing is especially important for those who suffer from stress, high blood pressure, anxiety or digestive problems. These symptoms and problems are typically the result of the body staying in conflict due to an disequilibrium of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. As our body is burdened with stress, our sympathetic nervous system is stimulated so often that it begins to dominate the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in chronic elevated blood pressure and heart rate, nervousness, anxiety and muscle tension, bowel problems. In this sense, the goal of this breathing exercise cleanses the body of diseases, steadies the mind, helps in concentration, improves digestion and increases appetite. The exercise can also be done anywhere and at virtually any time:

  1. First locate a quiet and comfortable place. Make sure the room is not too bright. If you prefer to play music, choose relaxing themes and set them to a reasonable volume level.
  2. Sit or stand in a relaxed position.
  3. Slowly inhale through your nose, counting to five in your head. As you breathe, let your abdomen expand outward, rather than raising your shoulders. This is a more relaxed and natural way to breathe, and helps your lungs fill themselves more fully with fresh air, releasing more old air.
  4. Let the air out from your mouth, counting to nine in your head as it leaves your lungs. If you like, you can make your throat a little tighter as you exhale so the air comes out like a whisper. This type of breathing is used in some forms of yoga and can add additional tension relief. Try for several breaths to make your breathing as quiet, slow, regular and deep as possible. Repeat the exercise several times (at least 10 times).

This simple exercise can also be used for meditation and visualization.

Closing tip: If you need quicker stress relief, try inhaling slowly, holding your breath for about 2 seconds, and then exhaling slowly. Repeat this process twice.

At the core of Leadership

Being a leader and enacting the virtues of leadership implies, mandatorily, that we have achieved success. The converse, however, is not necessarily true: reaching success does not mean we are leaders. Success is tantamount to conquering our goals. In other words, success means we have crossed the goal line.

Leadership can be defined as the will to control processes and events, to understand what is required to focus all of the involved activities in a specific direction, and to yield the power to complete tasks and distribute resources, properly harnessing and directing the abilities of each person involved in the project. Summarizing, leadership is about control, focus, and also about effective management of people and resources.

There are two kinds of leaders:

  1. Nominal Leaders: The main goal of nominal leaders is to establish, between her organization and its environment, a set of relations which allow the perfect execution of a project’s tasks. A nominal leader defines such tasks and monitors them to verify they are carried out entirely.
  2. Concrete Leaders: This kind of leader expresses and represents the perspectives of her group. It might happen that the nominal leader will not properly represent or understand the emotions of her people, and under such circumstances, a concrete leader could emerge and oppose the inpetitude of the nominal leader (and even replacing her.)

This tell us a very important fact: groups follow the person which is able to quickly and clearly connect with their emotions. Leadership is, then, also an emotional journey.

Some leaders are more effective managing small groups, instead of huge organizations. Other leaders are able to inspire great masses, but are little respected by their immediate collaborators. And there is a third group of leaders, the best leaders, whose followers are everyone: masses and close collaborators.

Regardless of the cognoscitive field a leader adresses, they have several interesting characteristic which distinguish them from everybody else. The 3 most visible characteristics of leaders are:

  1. They have achieved incredible success in their work and in their private lives; it’s often said about them that they have the Midas touch.
  2. They seem to own an unlimited luck.
  3. They are rich, and they are getting richer (even right now).

There exists a wrong belief about leadership being a hereditary, genetic issue. And some people think being a successful, real leader is a matter of luck. Nothing further from the truth. Leadership has to be built, has to be shaped, and (very important) has to be mantained. And there’s always room for improvement.

All of we are able to achieve professional success. But we have to study, we have to observe, we have to learn which are the traits of leaders and the keys for success. Obviously, success can be achieved, taught and learnt: we have to reshape a set of our behaviors, and suit them to the profile of a successful person. We have previously touched upon 3 visible traits of leaders. Now it’s time to delve into this point. And now we’ll discuss the two key traits of leaders:


Leaders are like tireless motivation machines. Leaders are continuosly motivating themselves, and they renew their motivations easily, almost effortlessly. Leaders communicate and convey their motivation to the people around them. Leader are always motivated, and always motivating their people.


And motivation is the fuel for the kernel of success: perseverance. They are entrepeneurs and innovators. Generally, successful people have faced harsh beginnings. What distinguishes them is their faith in what they are doing, in what they are pursuing. Leaders believe. Leaders insist in their projects, goals and tasks. They set realistic tasks, and they fight over and over until fully completing each one of such tasks. How many times do common people abandon their startups at the first view of difficulties? How many projects are never realized just because of plain laziness? It’s in that initial moment of doubt when leaders raise above the crowd. Leaders keep going forward, because they are relentless fighters. Note that leaders are perseverant in work and effective use of their resources. Perseverance without a rational application of forces and use of resource will only lead to an utter failure.

And what’s life but a struggle against the chaotic forces of the universe? Leaders are the warriors who are able to tame those chaotic trends 😉 If you want to understand more about Leadership, you may also like reading our classic post, The 7 Attributes of Leadership.

More on The Art of Saving

Saving money is a crucial skill that everyone should master in order to secure their financial future. In a world where inflation is high and the economy is unpredictable, having a robust savings account can be a lifesaver when unexpected expenses arise. This post will complement our previous article The Art of Saving. Saving not only provides a safety net for emergencies, but it also allows individuals to achieve their long-term financial goals. In this blog post, we’ll overview the importance of saving and provide some practical tips to help you kickstart your savings journey.

Art of saving

One of the main reasons why saving is so important is its ability to buffer individuals against unforeseen events. Whether it be a sudden job loss, a medical emergency, or a global pandemic like we witnessed with COVID-19, having savings can give you the peace of mind that you can weather the storm. In times of uncertainty, having a financial cushion can make all the difference in how you navigate through tough times. Even if inflation is high, saving is not a futile effort. While it may feel like your money is losing value due to the decreasing purchasing power, saving is still crucial for handling black swan-type events. In fact, saving during times of high inflation is even more important as it helps you stay financially resilient in the face of rising costs and economic instability. By consistently saving a portion of your income, you are building a foundation for financial stability and security.

Now, let’s talk about some practical advice to help you save more effectively. One of the best ways to start saving is to create a budget and stick to it. By tracking your income and expenses, you can identify areas where you can cut back and redirect those funds towards your savings account. Additionally, setting specific savings goals can provide you with motivation and a sense of purpose for saving. Whether it’s saving for a down payment on a house, a dream vacation, or an emergency fund, having a clear goal in mind can help you stay on track. Another tip for saving is to automate your savings. Setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account can remove the temptation to spend that money elsewhere. By treating your savings like a recurring expense, you can ensure that you prioritize saving each month. Finally, consider cutting unnecessary expenses and finding ways to increase your income. Whether it’s canceling subscriptions you don’t use, cooking at home more often, or picking up a side hustle, there are plenty of ways to free up extra cash to put towards your savings goals. In conclusion, the art of saving is a valuable skill that everyone should cultivate. Even in the face of high inflation and economic uncertainty, saving money is essential for handling unexpected events and achieving long-term financial security. By following these tips and making saving a priority in your financial plan, you can build a strong financial foundation that will serve you well in the years to come. Remember, every penny saved today is an investment in your future financial well-being.

Here are more tips for saving money effectively:

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There are truths that are not for all men, nor for all times.


Voltaire, the renowned French writer and philosopher of the Enlightenment era, once remarked, “There are truths that are not for all men, nor for all times.” This profound statement encapsulates the idea that certain truths are not universally applicable or timeless. Instead, they are contingent upon specific contexts, perspectives, and historical moments. Voltaire’s insight refers to the nuanced nature of truth and the complexities of human understanding.

Furthermore, in a world where absolute truths are often sought after, this Voltaire’s quote invites us to think about relativism and acknowledge that truth is not always singular or fixed. Truth depends on context. Different individuals, societies, and cultures may perceive and interpret truths in distinct ways based on their unique experiences, belief systems, and cultural values, i.e., diverse perspectives enriches our understanding of the multifaceted nature of truth.

Truth, therefore, is dynamic, highly dynamic, especially across different epochs and periods in history. What may be considered true or relevant in one era may not hold the same significance or validity in another. As societies evolve, knowledge advances, and perspectives shift: truths that were once accepted may be challenged or revised. This fluidity underscores the importance of critical thinking and open-mindedness in navigating the complexities of truth. In turn, this means that truth is deeply linked to freedom.

Finally, we have to acknowledge the role of context in shaping our understanding of truth. Contextual factors such as cultural norms, political ideologies, and social dynamics can influence how truths are perceived and communicated. By taking into account the diversity of perspectives, contexts, and historical contingencies that shape our understanding of truth, we can cultivate a richer and inclusive approach to seeking knowledge and wisdom. Truth is always evolving, which highlights the importance of humility and open-mindedness in our pursuit of knowledge and innovation.

On Anxiety

Anxiety is a state of restlessness, and most of the time such state cannot be justified. It is not fear of something concrete at the outside but expresses our inner emotional conflicts. The person feels threatened by something of unreal nature, and is unable to handle such emotions. The anxious person may have been conditioned very early and may continue to be anxious in adulthood. It then becomes a characteristic of his nature that pervades all their actions and which turns the person in a candidate to suffer stress. Anxious people are fast, are always in a hurry, can not afford the time for all the activities they want to develop and are used to work on two or three things at once. When eating, anxious people swallow whole foods -tasteless- and consequently often suffer from dyspepsia, indigestion, bloating, irritable bowel, etc.

on anxiety
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10 Tips for Loving Yourself

You’re a wondrous being, a miracle called life. You’re unique. You’ve followed a path, a path which has turned you into what you’re now: energy, dreams, smiles, a lovely human being. Maybe you want more things, maybe you wish for more… that’s OK. Don’t blame the past for anything, as such past has allowed you to be here. And that past is offering you the opportunity to be better. The Beatles said it: All you need is love. And for loving, we have to start by loving ourselves. We have to love ourselves, we have to accept ourselves as we are right now: with our fears, our limitations, our physical image, our weaknesses, and our beliefs. If you do not love yourself, how may you be able to really love others? If you don’t accept yourself, if you don’t love yourself, you’ll probably end up looking in other people for such traits and features you don’t have and would like to have for being happy… but you will likely end up being hurt if that people go away. Love yourself, right now:

  1. Accept your weaknesses. They’re are part of you.
  2. Forgive yourself. All those things that you “perceive” you have done wrong… they’re past. You don’t live in the past anymore. You can only control the present time. Past & Future are just images, not reality.
  3. Express your feelings with total freedom.
  4. Don’t worry about things you cannot have control over. Instead, focus on the only things you can really control: your decisions right now.
  5. Trust your inner values and your personal resources. Don’t be afraid of losing, go ahead!
  6. Believe in your positive experiences, believe there’s an abundance in health and life for you.
  7. Don’t fight your negative thoughts or your fears… when you’re feeling negative or scared, thank your mind and your body for such thoughts and emotions, and leave them behind, you’re very positive and brilliant and have a lot of wonderful things to do.
  8. Do this exercise: write a little and happy song about those things that you fear the most. And sing it occasionally 🙂
  9. Do this other exercise: close your eyes and visualize yourself as a small child. Imagine this child laughing and running through some beautiful scenery, full of colors, full of life. Hug this child close to you. Tell him or her how much they are loved, and how special he or she is.
  10. Enjoy your body and care of it through nutrition and exercise (both physical and mental).

Life is beautiful. Enjoy it 🙂